5 Tips on How to Sound Natural in IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test -02-min

Many IELTS test-takers walk into the speaking test with a script they have mentally rehearsed and every word carefully planned. They mistakenly focus on memorizing complex vocabulary or perfect grammar. They, however, overlook the most crucial aspect: sounding natural and authentic. Native speakers don’t always speak in perfectly constructed sentences; rather, they communicate with rhythm, emotion, and spontaneity. If you want to improve your score, follow these 5 key tips for sounding natural in IELTS speaking test.

1. Use Common Phrases to Sound Natural in IELTS

IELTS Speaking Test -02-min

Let’s start with conversation phrases that can transform your speaking from robotic to realistic. Native English speakers use small, connecting phrases that help them think, transition, and express themselves. The following phrases are particularly useful when you need extra time to construct your response or want to sound more reflective.

  • “To be honest…”
  • “Well, let me think about that…”
  • “That’s an interesting question…”
  • “Speaking of which…”
  • “Now that you mention it…”


To express your opinions naturally, try these phrases. They sound more conversational than formal academic language and help you present your thoughts more authentically.

  • “From my perspective…”
  • “I’d say that…”
  • “In my experience…”
  • “If you ask me…”

2. Avoid Monotone in IELTS Speaking Test

  1. Monotone delivery is the quickest way to lose points in the speaking section. Your intonation and vocal variation are crucial in demonstrating language proficiency and engagement. Follow these techniques to break the monotone cycle

    • Vary your pitch: Naturally fluctuate your voice’s pitch when speaking. Use a high pitch to show excitement or ask questions, and a lower pitch to convey seriousness or confidence. 
    • Use emphasis: Stress important words to add meaning and interest.
    • Practice active listening: Listen to native speakers in podcasts, interviews, and movies to understand natural speech patterns.
    • Record yourself for improvement: Listen to your recordings and identify areas where your speech sounds flat. Work on those weaknesses to make them sound more natural.  

    Your voice should display variations in pitch, speed, and emphasis that reflect the emotion and meaning behind your words. If you are telling an exciting story to the examiner, your voice should naturally rise and fall, certain words should be stressed, and your tone should convey excitement or contemplation. Regular practice and awareness will make your speech more dynamic and natural.

3. Know Natural Idioms for IELTS Speaking

  • Idioms can be your secret weapon in sounding natural, but they must be used with precision and authenticity. It’s not about memorizing a list and forcibly inserting them into your speech. Instead, you should choose idioms that feel comfortable to you and that you understand their deeper cultural context. When you say, “It’s not rocket science,” or “Break a leg,” you’re showing not just language skill but cultural understanding.

    Here are some idioms that can help you sound more natural in the IELTS speaking test: 

    • “It’s a piece of cake” (It’s easy)
    • “Dodge the bullet” (Avoid a bad situation)
    • “Think outside the box” (Have an original, creative idea)
    • “Up in the air” (Uncertain)
    • “Better than nothing” (Not bad)
    • “You can say that again” (I agree with you)

4. Improve Fluency in IELTS Speaking

Fluency is an ability to communicate in a smooth, effortless, and natural manner. It goes beyond just knowing vocabulary and grammar rules. It involves speaking without excessive pauses, hesitation, or struggle, allowing ideas to be expressed quickly and coherently. Another important aspect of natural English is tone, which communicates the speaker’s feelings, intentions, and underlying message through variations in pitch, volume, and vocal modulation.

Here are some practical tips to improve your speaking fluency and tone:


  • Practice daily conversation: Make it a habit to speak English every single day, even if you’re practicing alone. Talk to yourself in the mirror, narrate your daily activities, or use language exchange apps to connect with native speakers. 


  • Listen and mimic native speakers: Immerse yourself in authentic English content by watching movies, TV shows, podcasts, and YouTube videos. Pay close attention to native speakers’ pronunciation, intonation, and natural speech patterns. 


  • Don’t be afraid of making mistakes: Fluency comes from practice, not perfection. Many language learners become overly self-conscious and hesitate to speak, which actually slows down their progress. Embrace errors as part of the learning process. Challenge yourself to speak even when you’re not 100% sure of every word. Remember, communication is more important than grammatical precision.

5. Work on IELTS Speaking Practice for Natural Delivery

Consistent, targeted practice is key to sounding natural. Here are effective strategies to practice speaking English that will help you sound more natural:


  • Think in English: Thinking in English is a powerful strategy for improving natural speech, and it’s a skill that develops gradually with consistent practice. Begin by describing your daily activities to yourself in English, right as you’re doing them. Make a conscious effort to think about your schedule, to-do lists, and goals entirely in English. Instead of translating from your native language, force yourself to construct thoughts directly in English. 


  • Create a low-pressure speaking environment: Find ways to make speaking English enjoyable. This could mean joining English conversation clubs, finding a language exchange partner with similar interests, or participating in online communities focused on topics you’re passionate about. The more fun and relaxed you are, the more naturally your English will flow.


  • Practice internal dialogues: Have conversations with yourself in English. This might feel awkward at first, but it’s incredibly effective. Discuss your feelings, analyze your day, or even argue with yourself – all in English. Ask yourself questions and answer them, maintaining an internal monologue entirely in English.


  • Read aloud: Reading aloud helps improve pronunciation, intonation, and confidence in speaking.

Develop conversational confidence: Confidence plays a massive role in sounding natural. Many test-takers are so worried about making mistakes that they become stiff and unnatural. You should practice speaking without fear and always embrace a growth mindset.


Sounding natural in the IELTS Speaking test is an art that combines linguistic skills, cultural understanding, and confidence. It’s about showing that you can use English as a living language, not just as an academic exercise. With dedicated practice and these strategies, you’ll not only improve